Sound Recording Special Payments Fund Important Dates

The Sound Recording Special Payments Fund (SRSPF) is preparing for its annual distribution, which will occur on or about August 1, 2011.
RMA International wants to share the following information with our members about this year’s distribution and the Fund:
• Address or beneficiary changes – Deadline for this year’s distribution is July 15, 2011
• Direct Deposit Applications – Deadline for application to be received at the Fund for this year’s distribution is June 30, 2011.
Direct Deposit insures that Special Payments Fund distributions reach musicians safely and efficiently, virtually wherever they are.
RMA joins Robert DiPaola, the Fund’s Administrator, in encouraging all participants to become registered users at the Fund’swebsite, which was recently updated and very user-friendly. Using the website significantly helps to reduce the Fund’s administrative costs, which ultimately benefits all of us!! At the website you can arrange for direct deposit, update contact and beneficiary information, view your prior wage and tax statements and get the latest news regarding Fund activities.
Website –
Toll-Free Number: (866) 711-FUND
Fax: (212) 310-9481
Address: Sound Recording Special Payments Fund570 Lexington Ave., 21st FloorNew York, NY 10022
