Dear members, friends and colleagues,
We hope that in this time of reflection on the passing year you have experienced the joy of family, friendships and dear memories of those no longer with us.
Thanks to each and every one of you for your support during this past year. I also offer sincere appreciation to all the RMA Officers, representatives, committee members and volunteers who worked so hard throughout 2009 to protect our voice within the AFM.
Your comments, suggestions, questions, criticisms and praise are the foundation of our effectiveness and the basis for helping shape the AFM into a more democratic and responsible Union.
As we contemplate the blank pages of 2010, we look forward to all the great personal and musical moments that we will have together. We also promise to stand shoulder to shoulder with each of you as we face the challenges which the New Year will bring.
With Sincere Appreciation and a Very Happy New Year to All,
Phil Ayling
President RMA